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Windows Intune Features and Policies for Samsung KNOX

Microsoft and Samsung have announced a partnership whereby Samsung KNOX devices can be managed by Windows Intune using both Direct Management and Exchange ActiveSync.  ​Windows Intune now supports direct configuration of Samsung KNOX devices.  This feature allows IT administrators to manage Samsung KNOX mobile devices via the Windows Intune administration console.  Samsung KNOX devices are designed to be used in high security environments.


Here are the list of Windows Intune policies which are available today for managing Samsung KNOX devices:

Security / Password Require a password to unlock mobile devices
Security / Password Password quality
Security / Password Minimum password length
Security / Password Number of repeated sign-in failures to allow before the device is wiped
Security / Password Minutes of inactivity before screen turns off
Security / Password Password expiration (days)
Security / Password Remember password history –> Prevent reuse of previous passwords
Security / Encryption Require encryption on mobile device
Device Capabilities / Hardware Allow camera


If you are looking for assistance managing your corporate owned or personally owned mobile devices, please contact H Tech Solutions using the URL below.


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