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Synching Files with SkyDrive Pro

​Many customer today find it convenient and useful to store their files in the cloud.  There are many companies who provide solutions in this space such as Microsoft (SkyDrive), Dropbox, and Google Drive.  The benefits of cloud storage are:

1) Easy access to your files from any location and any device

2) Reduces the risk of data loss if your device is lost or stolen

3) Cheap and easy to use


The downside of cloud storage is that it requires that your device is connected to the Internet in order to access your files.  This is not always possible in all circumstances.  For example, you may be in a remote area where Internet coverage is poor.  Or you may be on an airplane with no Internet at all.  What happens when you need to access your files in this situation?


This is one of the reasons why I recommend a hybrid file storage solution such as SkyDrive Pro.  A hybrid solution is one where some components are in the cloud and some are not.  SkyDrive Pro is an example of such a solution.  SkyDrive Pro stores all files in SharePoint Online which is a cloud based solution that is part of Office 365.  But it also allows you to sync a copy of each file to your local device using a piece of locally installed software.  This allows you to open and edit your files when you are offline.  Any changes made to these files will sync back to SharePoint Online when the device is connected to the Internet.  This ensures that your files remain up-to-date and in sync.


Like any product, SkyDrive Pro has its limitations which need to be considered before you begin using the solution.  I have summarized the most important issues to consider when using SkyDrive Pro:


Sync Limit

  • Up to 20,000 folders and files in your SkyDrive Pro library
  • Up to 5,000 folders and file in other SharePoint libraries such as team sites and community sites


Size Limit

In any SharePoint library, you can download files of up to 2 GB


Character Limit

  • File names can have up to 128 characters
  • Folder names can have up to 256 characters
  • Folder name/file name combinations can have up to 260 characters


Invalid Characters

You cannot upload files with names that contain any of the following characters: /:* ? ” < > | # { } % ~ &


Invalid File Types

You cannot upload files with a *.tmp or *.ds_store extension.  Additionally, you cannot upload desktop.ini, thumbs.db, or ehthumbs.db.


If you would like assistance setting up and deploying SkyDrive Pro for your business, please contact H Tech Solutions using the URL below.
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