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Java version 7 update 21 released

​Java version 7 update 21 has been released by Oracle.  This is the latest version available for users who run Java on their PCs.  Java is a programming language and computing platform.  It is also a software package that runs on more than 850 million personal computers worldwide.  There are lots of applications and websites that will not work properly unless you have Java installed.

Java is one of the applications that is managed and updated by ODS.  If you are a current customer, ODS will automatically update your version of Java over the next few days.  The update will install silently.  No user interaction is required.  There are no additional fees or charges for ODS to update your version of Java.


Why is it important to keep Java up to date?

1) Java is a required program in order to access the content of many popular websites including The Wall Street Journal website, The New York Times Crossword Puzzle, Scottrade, Yahoo Site Builder, GoToMeeting, and The Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
2) Older versions of Java can cause your web browser to become unstable, run slowly, and potentially crash.  This can lead to an unproductive and frustrating experience browsing the web.
3) Older versions of Java have security vulnerabilities that are known to hackers.  There are a number of viruses in the wild which can exploit these vulnearabilities and damage your PC.
If you would like assistance managing and deploying Java for PCs, please contact H Tech Solutions using the URL below.
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