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Foxit Enterprise Reader Version Released

Foxit Enterprise Reader has been released by Foxit Software.  Foxit Enterprise Reader is a free PDF reader designed to meet the needs of an enterprise.  It is designed to be fully compatible with Adobe Reader and provides full-fidelity viewing of PDF documents.


Issues Addressed
  • Fixed an issue where Foxit Reader could not be set as the default PDF reader in Windows 10.
  • Fixed an issue where users could encounter an improper argument error intermittently when trying to open, view, close, or work on a PDF file with Foxit Reader.

  • Fixed a handle leak issue to improve the performance and reliability.

  • Fixed a security issue where the application could be exposed to Use-After-Free Vulnerability when executing print() or referencing App after closing the document.

  • Fixed a security issue where the application could crash unexpectedly due to recursive reference.


    Foxit Enterprise Reader is one of the applications that is managed and updated by ODS.  If you are a current customer who has requested Foxit Enterprise Reader, ODS will automatically update your version over the next few days.  The update will install silently.  No user interaction is required.  There are no additional fees or charges for ODS to update your version of Foxit Enterprise Reader. 

    If you would like assistance managing and deploying Foxit Enterprise Reader for PCs, please contact H Tech Solutions using the URL below.

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