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Java Version 7 Update 60 Released

​Java version 7 update 60 has been released by Oracle.  This is the latest version available for users who run Java on their PCs.  Java is a programming language and computing platform.  It is also a software package that runs on more than 850 million personal computers worldwide.  There are lots of applications and websites that will not work properly unless you have Java installed.


New Features and Changes


Java ignores deployment.expiration.check.enabled property for first launch

If you have an older version of Java and expiration check is turned off through file, Java may ignore this property for first launch.

To ensure that expiration check is disabled, use the following Java Web Start command:

javaws -userConfig deployment.expiration.check.enabled false

If this property is changed in the file, open the Java Control Panel before starting an application to ensure that the native cache is synchronized with the file. For more information, see Deployment Configuration File and Properties.

New flags added to Java Management API

The flags MinHeapFreeRatio and MaxHeapFreeRatio have been made manageable. This means they can be changed at runtime using the management API in Java. Support for these flags have also been added to the ParallelGC as part of the adaptive size policy.


Bug Fixes


This update contains 132 bug fixes for Oracle Java SE.  The following are some of the notable bug fixes in this release: